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Data for specimen record

Current: species Paryphes egregius Horváth, 1913
Historical: Paryphes egregius; holotype of species Paryphes egregius Horváth, 1913; cited by Horváth. 1913. Revisio critica generis Paryphes Burm. et Affinium. Annales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. 11(1):344-373, 8 figs
Basis of record: preserved specimen
Counts: Males 1
Depository: DEI, Eberswalde; catalog number 100072
Data source: Livermore, L. 2010. List of specimens examined at SDEI, Müncheberg.
Other: preparation type, Pinned
Western South America, Peru: Pebas; S 3.319978, W 71.861298; Modern (is included in map)
Collecting event
[no data recorded]
(CC BY-NC 3.0) Attribution: Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Intitut, Müncheberg. Photograph taken by Laurence Livermore.
(CC BY-NC 3.0) Attribution: Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Intitut, Müncheberg. Photograph taken by Laurence Livermore.
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